Guide: How To Become A Full Stack WordPress Developer


Web Dev Orlando

Becoming a full stack WordPress developer is an exciting and rewarding career path that allows you to create dynamic and functional websites. Whether you’re a beginner or already have some development experience, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to know how to become a full stack WordPress Developer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Master both front-end and back-end development to become a full stack WordPress developer
  • Build a strong foundation in programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP
  • Get hands-on experience by installing WordPress on a local development environment
  • Understand WordPress plugins and themes to enhance website functionality
  • Familiarize yourself with the WordPress Code Reference Handbook for clean and maintainable code

What is a Full Stack WordPress Developer?

A full-stack WordPress developer is a versatile professional who possesses expertise in both front-end and back-end development. They have the ability to handle various tasks related to website creation and maintenance. A full-stack WordPress developer understands the intricacies of both the user-facing aspects of a website, known as front-end development, and the behind-the-scenes technical aspects, known as back-end development.

In terms of front-end development, a full-stack WordPress developer is proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other related technologies. They are skilled at creating visually appealing designs, ensuring a seamless and engaging user experience. On the back-end side, they have a deep understanding of PHP programming and database management, allowing them to handle data storage, security, and server-side functionality.

With their comprehensive skill set, full-stack WordPress developers can create dynamic, interactive, and fully functional websites. They have the ability to bring the design concepts to life and ensure that all technical aspects function smoothly. Whether it’s creating custom themes, implementing plugins, optimizing performance, or troubleshooting issues, a full-stack WordPress developer can handle it all.

Being a full-stack WordPress developer requires a combination of creativity and technical expertise. You need to have an eye for design and user experience, as well as a deep understanding of programming languages and web development frameworks. By mastering both front-end and back-end development, you can become a well-rounded WordPress developer capable of tackling any project with confidence.

Now that we have a clear understanding of what a full stack WordPress developer is, let’s delve deeper into the specific skills required to excel in this field. Section 3 will provide an overview of the programming languages and technologies that are essential for becoming a successful full-stack WordPress developer.

Skills Needed to Become a Full Stack WordPress Developer

Becoming a full stack WordPress developer requires a strong foundation in programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. These languages are vital for working with WordPress and will allow you to create dynamic and interactive websites. Let’s explore each of these skills in more detail:


HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is the standard language for creating the structure and content of webpages. It allows you to define the elements on your webpage, such as headings, paragraphs, images, and links. A solid understanding of HTML is crucial for building the foundation of a WordPress website.


CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is used to control the visual appearance of webpages. It allows you to define the styles and layouts of your website, including colors, fonts, margins, and positioning. With CSS, you can create visually appealing designs and ensure consistency across your WordPress themes.


JavaScript is a versatile programming language that adds interactivity and dynamic behavior to webpages. It allows you to create interactive forms, validate user input, and add animations or other visual effects. Proficiency in JavaScript is essential for enhancing the user experience and adding advanced functionalities to your WordPress websites.


PHP is a server-side scripting language that is specifically designed for web development. It is used to create dynamic webpages and enable interactions with databases. With PHP, you can build custom themes, create plugins, and implement complex functionalities in your WordPress projects.

By acquiring these essential programming language skills, you will be well-equipped to embark on a full stack WordPress development journey. These foundational skills will form the basis of your expertise and pave the way for mastering advanced concepts in WordPress development.

Programming Language Use Case
HTML Defining the structure and content of webpages
CSS Controlling the visual appearance of webpages
JavaScript Adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to webpages
PHP Enabling server-side scripting and database interactions

Getting Started in WordPress Development

Becoming a full stack WordPress developer requires getting started with the basics of WordPress installation and creating a local development environment. This allows you to practice and experiment with custom WordPress themes without affecting live websites. To begin, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a local server environment like MAMP or XAMPP, depending on your operating system.
  2. Download and install the chosen server software on your computer.
  3. Install WordPress by downloading the latest version from the official website, extracting the files, and placing them in your local server directory.
  4. Create a new MySQL database for WordPress during the installation process, noting down the database name, username, and password.
  5. Access the WordPress installation by navigating to the designated local URL in your browser.
  6. Follow the installation wizard, providing the necessary database and admin user information.
  7. Once the installation is complete, you can start customizing and developing your own WordPress themes locally.

Setting up a local development environment gives you the freedom to experiment, test plugins, and preview changes before deploying them to live websites. It also allows you to work offline and save time by eliminating the need to constantly upload files. Remember to regularly back up your work and keep your local environment up to date with the latest WordPress version and security patches.

“Installing WordPress on a local server environment is like having your own sandbox to play with. It’s a safe and controlled space where you can learn, explore, and build without any repercussions on live websites.”

WordPress installation

Table: Local Development Environment Options

Server Environment Operating System Compatibility Key Features
MAMP MacOS, Windows Easy-to-use interface, pre-configured Apache, MySQL, and PHP stack
XAMPP MacOS, Windows, Linux Multi-platform support, extensive documentation, additional tools like phpMyAdmin
Local by Flywheel MacOS, Windows Quick setup, one-click WordPress installations, seamless SSL integration

Mastering WordPress Plugins and Themes

Understanding WordPress plugins and themes is essential for becoming a full stack WordPress developer. Mastery of WordPress plugins involves creating your own custom plugins and utilizing existing plugins to enhance website functionality. Similarly, mastering WordPress themes involves creating custom themes and customizing existing themes to meet client requirements.

Plugins are extensions that add specific features and functionality to a WordPress website. You can think of them as apps that enhance the core functionality of WordPress. With over 50,000 plugins available in the WordPress Plugin Directory, you have a wide range of options to choose from.

Did you know? The most popular WordPress plugin is Yoast SEO, which helps optimize websites for search engines.

  • Create custom plugins: By developing your own custom plugins, you can tailor the functionality of a WordPress website to fit specific requirements. This allows you to add unique features and functionalities that are not available with existing plugins.
  • Utilize existing plugins: There are numerous plugins available that can enhance the functionality of a WordPress website. By understanding how to use and customize existing plugins, you can save time and effort in development.

Themes, on the other hand, control the appearance and layout of a WordPress website. They determine how the website looks to visitors and affect the user experience. WordPress offers a wide range of free and premium themes that can be customized to suit specific design needs.

Custom Themes Existing Themes
Customize existing themes: You can modify existing themes to match client requirements and brand guidelines. This includes changing colors, fonts, layout, and adding custom functionalities. Choose and customize: Select a suitable pre-built theme and customize it based on client needs. This is a quicker option compared to building a completely custom theme from scratch.

WordPress plugins and themes

By mastering WordPress plugins and themes, you can create unique and visually appealing websites that meet the specific needs of clients. Whether you are developing custom plugins or customizing existing themes, these skills are essential for becoming a successful full stack WordPress developer.

Exploring the WordPress Code Reference Handbook

The WordPress Code Reference Handbook is a valuable resource for WordPress developers. It provides code snippets, coding standards, and guidelines for writing clean and maintainable code. Familiarizing yourself with this resource will enhance your WordPress development skills and help you adhere to best practices.

When working on WordPress projects, it’s important to follow WordPress coding standards to ensure that your code is consistent and easy for other developers to understand. The WordPress Code Reference Handbook offers detailed documentation on these coding standards, covering topics such as naming conventions, indentation, and commenting.

In addition to coding standards, the WordPress Code Reference Handbook also provides code snippets that you can use as a reference when building custom functionalities. These snippets cover a wide range of topics, including database queries, template tags, and theme development. By leveraging these code snippets, you can save time and effort in developing your WordPress projects.

WordPress code snippets

WordPress Development Resources

Aside from the code reference handbook, there are other valuable resources available to WordPress developers. Online communities such as the WordPress Developer Slack channel and the WordPress Stack Exchange forum provide a platform for developers to ask questions, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects.

Furthermore, online tutorials and courses are also excellent resources for expanding your WordPress development skills. Platforms like Udemy and Coursera offer a variety of courses on WordPress development, covering topics such as advanced theme development, plugin development, and website optimization.

In conclusion, the WordPress Code Reference Handbook and other development resources are essential tools for any aspiring full stack WordPress developer. By familiarizing yourself with coding standards and utilizing code snippets, you can write clean and efficient code. Additionally, engaging with the WordPress developer community and taking advantage of online courses will further enhance your skills and help you stay up to date with the latest developments in WordPress development.

Understanding the WordPress Template Hierarchy

When it comes to customizing themes in WordPress, understanding the WordPress Template Hierarchy is essential. The Template Hierarchy is a hierarchical system that determines how WordPress displays content on different pages of a website. By grasping this hierarchy, you’ll be able to efficiently customize WordPress themes and ensure that the correct templates are applied to different pages.

The Template Hierarchy starts with the most generic template file and progressively narrows down to more specific templates. This means that if you want to create a custom theme for a specific page, you can simply create a template file with a higher specificity and WordPress will automatically prioritize it over the generic templates.

For example, let’s say you want to create a custom template for the blog page of your website. According to the WordPress Template Hierarchy, you can create a file called home.php which will be used specifically for the blog page. If you want to further customize a specific blog post, you can create a file called single.php which will be used for individual blog posts.

Template Hierarchy Example:

Template File Description
home.php The template file for the blog page.
single.php The template file for individual blog posts.
page.php The template file for static pages.
index.php The fallback template file.

“Understanding the WordPress Template Hierarchy is like having a roadmap for customizing themes in WordPress. It allows you to create specific templates for different pages of your website, giving you full control over the design and functionality. With this knowledge, you can efficiently build custom themes that meet your client’s requirements.”

By familiarizing yourself with the WordPress Template Hierarchy, you’ll be able to navigate the vast world of WordPress theme customization with ease. So whether you’re creating a custom blog page, a unique portfolio template, or any other specialized page, understanding the Template Hierarchy will be your guide to success.

Leveraging WordPress APIs

As a full stack WordPress developer, it’s essential to leverage WordPress APIs to enhance the functionality and customization of websites. These APIs provide you with powerful tools to extend the capabilities of WordPress and integrate with external applications. There are several key APIs that you should master to become proficient in WordPress development:

Theme Customization API

The theme customization API allows you to create a user-friendly interface for clients to customize various aspects of their WordPress themes. With this API, you can add custom settings, controls, and sections to the theme customizer, providing a seamless and intuitive experience for users to personalize their websites. By leveraging the theme customization API, you can offer clients the ability to change colors, fonts, layouts, and other design elements without needing to modify the theme files directly.

Theme Modification API

The theme modification API enables you to programmatically modify specific elements of a WordPress theme. It allows you to dynamically update theme options, widgets, menus, and other theme-related settings. By utilizing the theme modification API, you can create dynamic and interactive themes that adapt to user preferences and enable greater flexibility in theme customization. This API is particularly useful when building themes with extensive options or when developing theme frameworks for clients.


The REST API is a powerful tool for integrating external applications and services with WordPress. It enables you to retrieve, create, update, and delete data from your WordPress site using simple HTTP requests. With the REST API, you can build custom applications, mobile apps, or even integrate WordPress with third-party platforms and services. This API opens up a world of possibilities for extending the functionality of WordPress beyond traditional web development.

By mastering these WordPress APIs, you can unlock the full potential of WordPress as a full stack developer. You’ll be able to create highly customizable themes, provide clients with intuitive customization options, and integrate with external services to enhance website functionality. Embrace the power of WordPress APIs and take your development skills to the next level.

API Description
Theme Customization API Allows for user-friendly customization of WordPress themes
Theme Modification API Enables dynamic modification of specific theme elements
REST API Facilitates integration with external applications and services

Building a Portfolio as a Full Stack WordPress Developer

As a full stack WordPress developer, one of the most important aspects of showcasing your skills and expertise is building a strong portfolio. Your portfolio is a visual representation of your capabilities, and it allows potential clients or employers to see your previous work and assess your proficiency in WordPress development.

To create an impressive WordPress portfolio, start by selecting a diverse range of website projects that highlight your skills in different areas. Include examples of websites you have developed, showcasing your ability to create visually appealing designs, customize themes, and implement custom functionalities.

When presenting your portfolio, make sure to provide clear descriptions of each project, outlining the goals, challenges, and solutions you implemented. This will demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and attention to detail. Additionally, consider adding client testimonials or reviews to add credibility to your work.

Organize your portfolio in a user-friendly manner. You can create a dedicated page on your personal website or use portfolio platforms specifically designed for showcasing web development projects. Make sure the layout is clean and easy to navigate, and provide links to live websites or demos whenever possible.

Table: WordPress Portfolio Examples

Project Description Technologies Used
ABC Company Developed a custom WordPress theme for an e-commerce website selling fashion accessories. Implemented secure payment gateways and integrated social media sharing functionality. WordPress, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
XYZ Restaurant Created a responsive WordPress website for a restaurant, focusing on user-friendly navigation and online reservation system. Implemented a custom menu plugin for easy menu updates. WordPress, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
123 Agency Designed and developed a visually stunning WordPress website for a marketing agency. Customized the theme to match the brand identity and integrated contact forms for lead generation. WordPress, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Remember to keep your portfolio up to date by regularly adding new projects and removing outdated ones. Continuously seek feedback and make improvements based on client or employer preferences. A well-curated and visually appealing portfolio will not only demonstrate your skills but also attract potential clients or employers, opening up new opportunities for your career as a full stack WordPress developer.

Continuous Learning in WordPress Development

As a full stack WordPress developer, continuous learning is key to staying updated with the latest industry trends and best practices. By consistently expanding your knowledge and skills, you can ensure that you are equipped to tackle new challenges and deliver high-quality results. Fortunately, there are numerous WordPress development resources available to help you on your learning journey.

Online Courses and Tutorials

To enhance your WordPress development skills, online courses and tutorials are an excellent resource. Platforms like FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy, Udemy, Coursera, and Pluralsight offer a wide range of courses tailored to different skill levels and topics. Whether you are a beginner looking to grasp the basics or an experienced developer seeking advanced techniques, these platforms provide comprehensive learning materials to suit your needs.

These online courses typically cover various aspects of WordPress development, including theme creation, plugin development, and advanced coding techniques. They often include hands-on exercises and practical examples to help you apply what you’ve learned. Taking advantage of these resources can significantly accelerate your learning process.

WordPress Development Blogs and News

To stay informed about the latest developments in the WordPress ecosystem, regularly following WordPress Core Development blogs and WordPress Developer News is essential. These platforms provide updates on new features, improvements, security patches, and coding standards. By staying up to date, you can ensure that your skills remain relevant and your projects adhere to the latest industry standards.

Additionally, these blogs often share valuable insights and tutorials from experienced WordPress developers. They cover a wide range of topics, including optimization techniques, performance enhancements, and best practices. Reading these articles can expand your knowledge and expose you to alternative approaches that may improve your development workflow.

Resource Description
FreeCodeCamp A non-profit organization that offers free coding courses and projects, including WordPress development.
Codecademy An online learning platform that provides interactive coding courses covering various programming languages, including WordPress-related topics.
Udemy An online marketplace for learning and teaching, featuring a vast selection of WordPress development courses created by industry professionals.
Coursera An online learning platform that offers courses from universities and organizations worldwide, including WordPress development courses.
Pluralsight A technology skills platform that provides on-demand courses covering a wide range of topics, including WordPress development.

Exploring Advanced WordPress Development

Now that you have mastered the fundamentals of WordPress development, it’s time to take your skills to the next level. Advanced WordPress development involves delving into advanced coding techniques, creating custom Gutenberg blocks, and leveraging advanced APIs. These advanced techniques will allow you to tackle complex projects and provide advanced solutions for your clients.

One aspect of advanced WordPress development is exploring advanced coding techniques. This includes diving deeper into PHP programming and utilizing advanced WordPress functions and hooks. By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to create more efficient and robust customizations for your WordPress sites.

Another exciting area of advanced WordPress development is creating custom Gutenberg blocks. Gutenberg is the new block-based editor introduced in WordPress 5.0, and it allows you to create richer and more dynamic content layouts. By building custom Gutenberg blocks, you can extend the functionality of the editor and provide your clients with even more flexible content creation options.

Lastly, advanced WordPress development involves leveraging advanced APIs. WordPress provides a wide range of APIs that allow you to integrate your site with external applications and services. This includes APIs such as the REST API, which enables you to interact with your WordPress site programmatically. By utilizing these advanced APIs, you can create powerful integrations and extend the capabilities of your WordPress projects.

Table: Advanced WordPress Development Techniques

Technique Description
Advanced Coding Techniques Dive deeper into PHP programming and utilize advanced WordPress functions and hooks to create more efficient and robust customizations.
Custom Gutenberg Blocks Create custom Gutenberg blocks to extend the functionality of the editor and provide more flexible content creation options.
Leveraging Advanced APIs Utilize advanced APIs like the REST API to integrate your WordPress site with external applications and extend its capabilities.

By exploring these advanced WordPress development techniques, you can elevate your skills and take on more challenging projects. These techniques will enable you to provide advanced solutions for your clients and stay at the forefront of WordPress development.


Becoming a full stack WordPress developer is an exciting journey that requires dedication, hard work, and continuous learning. By mastering both front-end and back-end development, you can unlock the full potential of WordPress and open doors to a rewarding career in web development.

Throughout this guide, we have explored the essential skills, resources, and techniques needed to excel as a full stack WordPress developer. From understanding the WordPress template hierarchy to leveraging WordPress APIs, you have gained valuable knowledge to create visually appealing designs and implement custom functionalities.

Remember, building a strong portfolio showcasing your skills is crucial for attracting potential clients or employers. Continuously learning through online courses and staying updated with the latest developments in WordPress will keep you ahead in the field.

Start your learning journey today and discover the limitless possibilities of a career as a full stack WordPress developer. Embrace the challenge, stay curious, and enjoy the satisfaction of creating innovative websites that make a difference in the digital world.

Why Choose Web Dev Orlando

As an Orlando custom WordPress Developer committed to excellence, we offer seamless integration, custom analytics, and stress-free website development experiences. We focus not just on delivering a project, but also on creating value for your business. If you have any questions about Web Dev Orlando and what we can do, please reach out to us today! We also provide a no-cost IT strategy call for all new clients to ensure we are the perfect fit for you.


What is a full stack WordPress developer?

A full stack WordPress developer is someone who has the ability to handle both front-end and back-end development tasks in WordPress. They are proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP programming and can create visually appealing designs while ensuring that all technical aspects function smoothly.

What programming languages do I need to know to become a full stack WordPress developer?

To become a full stack WordPress developer, it is essential to have a strong foundation in programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. These languages are the building blocks of web development and are vital for working with WordPress.

How do I get started in WordPress development?

To get started in WordPress development, begin by installing WordPress on a local development environment. This will allow you to practice creating custom WordPress themes and familiarize yourself with the platform. Tools like MAMP or XAMPP can be used to set up a local server for WordPress development.

What is the WordPress Code Reference Handbook?

The WordPress Code Reference Handbook is a valuable resource for WordPress developers. It provides code snippets, coding standards, and guidelines for writing clean and maintainable code. Familiarizing yourself with this resource will enhance your WordPress development skills and help you adhere to best practices.

What is the WordPress Template Hierarchy?

The WordPress Template Hierarchy is a hierarchical system that determines how WordPress displays content. Understanding the template hierarchy is crucial for creating custom themes and ensuring that the correct templates are applied to different pages. This knowledge will allow you to efficiently customize WordPress themes based on client requirements.

What are WordPress APIs?

WordPress APIs provide developers with tools to extend WordPress functionality and integrate with external applications. Key APIs to master as a full stack WordPress developer include the theme customization API, theme modification API, and REST API. Knowledge of these APIs allows for the creation of customizations and interactions with WordPress sites.

How important is building a portfolio as a full stack WordPress developer?

Building a portfolio is essential for showcasing your skills as a full stack WordPress developer. Include examples of WordPress websites you have developed, highlighting your ability to create visually appealing designs, customize themes, and implement custom functionalities. A strong portfolio will demonstrate your expertise and attract potential clients or employers.

How can I stay updated with the latest developments in WordPress development?

Continuous learning is crucial for staying up to date with the latest developments and best practices in WordPress development. Resources such as FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy, Udemy, Coursera, and Pluralsight offer online courses and tutorials to enhance your WordPress development skills. Additionally, staying informed through WordPress Core Development blog and WordPress Developer News will keep you abreast of new features and changes in WordPress.

What advanced techniques can I explore in WordPress development?

Once you have mastered the fundamentals of WordPress development, you can explore more advanced techniques. This includes delving into advanced coding techniques, creating custom Gutenberg blocks, and utilizing advanced APIs. These skills will enable you to tackle complex projects and provide advanced solutions for clients.

What does it take to become a full stack WordPress developer?

Becoming a full stack WordPress developer requires dedication, hard work, and continuous learning. By mastering both front-end and back-end development, you can unlock the full potential of WordPress and embark on a rewarding career in web development. Start your learning journey today and discover the limitless possibilities of being a full stack WordPress developer.

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